posted ago by redneonglow PRO ago by redneonglow PRO +34 / -2

Once upon a time, gamers were free

To play what they wanted, without decree

They enjoyed their hobby, with no one to blame

And the world of gaming was truly a game

But then came GamerGate, and all hell broke loose

As censorship reared its ugly head, in full force

People wanted games changed, to fit their views

To make them more politically correct, for all to choose

But gamers stood strong, they would not yield

For gaming was their passion, they were fielded

They fought against those who sought to destroy

The freedom of choice that gaming brings with joy

So censorship is wrong, it's plain to see

We must protect our games and maintain our liberty

To play what we want, without fear or doubt

And keep the world of gaming alive, with no way out.