40 It’s official, Square is giving Sony the finger. (www.square-enix-games.com) posted 271 days ago by ThreeLights 271 days ago by ThreeLights +40 / -0 The KINGDOM HEARTS series on PC | Square Enix Blog Multiple KINGDOM HEARTS games are available on PC, including KINGDOM HEARTS 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX and KINGDOM HEARTS III. Get the details here 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Just remember- supporting the product also supports Disney. I enjoyed 1 & 2, but that was a different fucking era.
Doesn't help that 3 is apparently a complete train trainwreck of a narrative.
Supporting? Yar har, fiddle dee dee...
Well, if you’re going to pirate it, surely it was already available on various emulators, right?
Its also available for like 20$ for every single game on last gen consoles. A price so cheap, and almost certainly used, that nobody gets a profit except the vendor themselves.
They (1-3 & Melody of Memory) were released on Windows via Epic Games Store on March 30, 2021.
My high seas had them a month later.
Fiddly faddly fuddle
All the pirates in the world just aren't all very subtle?
There's a reference I did NOT expect to see here.
Yeah, I probably deserved the downvote for it too. But once you know R&H, there are some things you can't unhear, when certain phrases are said.