40 It’s official, Square is giving Sony the finger. (www.square-enix-games.com) posted 271 days ago by ThreeLights 271 days ago by ThreeLights +40 / -0 The KINGDOM HEARTS series on PC | Square Enix Blog Multiple KINGDOM HEARTS games are available on PC, including KINGDOM HEARTS 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX and KINGDOM HEARTS III. Get the details here 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Fiddly faddly fuddle
All the pirates in the world just aren't all very subtle?
There's a reference I did NOT expect to see here.
Yeah, I probably deserved the downvote for it too. But once you know R&H, there are some things you can't unhear, when certain phrases are said.
You cant unhear them?
You're saying..
I think the down vote was because you tried to rhyme "subtle" with "noodle"
I rhymed it with "fuddle," not "foodle."