What is happening now is that they date and sleep with Chad or Tyrone expecting to lock him down and she'll be the one he will make a honest woman of. Problem is, he has options and will exercise them. At which point she is another bed notch, she complains on TikTok about how men won't commit and the articles appear asking "where have all the good men gone".
They are now increasingly abandoning beta bux as due to numerous factors, they are transitioning to a share the high value men or go it alone and be provided for by the state/career/alloparenting strategies that the beta bux male used to fill.
I'm a beta that can only get leftover women Chad has already run through, and I quit my job years ago. Time to leech and wait for collapse!
After seeing the "woman stabs boyfriend to death and gets 0 jail time because she smoked weed" especially. Men are literally worthless and there is no punishment for killing us; to work, pay taxes, and support this nightmare is ridiculous.
What is happening now is that they date and sleep with Chad or Tyrone expecting to lock him down and she'll be the one he will make a honest woman of. Problem is, he has options and will exercise them. At which point she is another bed notch, she complains on TikTok about how men won't commit and the articles appear asking "where have all the good men gone".
They are now increasingly abandoning beta bux as due to numerous factors, they are transitioning to a share the high value men or go it alone and be provided for by the state/career/alloparenting strategies that the beta bux male used to fill.
Woman: I’m going to use the government as my beta bux provider because then I don’t have to suffer sex with a beta man
Beta man: I’m going to drop out of society because I don’t want to work hard in exchange for no sex, no love, no family, no offspring
Society: I’m going to collapse because all the productive beta men have stopped building and maintaining me
Soros: I shorted that currency right as it all collapsed, making mint. Now to let it recover a tiny bit, then start this shit again!
Lol hey look it's me!
I'm a beta that can only get leftover women Chad has already run through, and I quit my job years ago. Time to leech and wait for collapse!
After seeing the "woman stabs boyfriend to death and gets 0 jail time because she smoked weed" especially. Men are literally worthless and there is no punishment for killing us; to work, pay taxes, and support this nightmare is ridiculous.
...and implode I nder the weight of third worlders being imported.