Anyone who says "yt" as shorthand for "white" is 100% the enemy, always.
Also, sort of surprised to hear this creature defending rape, although not at all surprised that it's along the absolutely most retarded racial lines possible.
phd...on sexual violence...
You can't make this shit up. Looks like a kid-toucher, too.
Also, a Palestine supporter with the flag and everything, and supported those retards at Google who were flipping out.
supported those retards at Google who were flipping out.
If this is accurate, she is one of those retards. From the article:
Kate J. Sim, a child safety policy adviser at Google who said she was among those fired this week, said the terminations show "how terrified [executives] are of worker power."
Anyone who says "yt" as shorthand for "white" is 100% the enemy, always.
Also, sort of surprised to hear this creature defending rape, although not at all surprised that it's along the absolutely most retarded racial lines possible.
You can't make this shit up. Looks like a kid-toucher, too.
Also, a Palestine supporter with the flag and everything, and supported those retards at Google who were flipping out.
Also writes retarded shit like this:
Looks like the Japanese did nothing wrong to the Koreans.
This gook would be too extreme for Megalia.
Someone once wrote that the way to get awful statements accepted by the woke is to insert 'white' in there.
"Women deserve to be raped." HOW DARE YOU.
"Cis white women deserve to be raped." YOU GO GIRL!
Sadly seems pretty accurate.
"We need some good old ethnic cleansing!" YOU ABSOLUTE MONSTER.
"We need ethnic cleansing of white people." *Stupid hipster snapping of approval*
If this is accurate, she is one of those retards. From the article:
What a loser.
For some reason I didn’t even catch that. Thought some YouTubers pissed her off or something