Americans worshipping the dollar more than anything - their religion, their country, their culture - was only ever going to end one way, and we're there now. You can't have "muh free markets muh capitalism" and also prioritize employing Americans, because someone somewhere might make more shekelbucks than you by not hiring Americans, and you gotta 'win' capitalism at all costs, right? So fire all the Americans and import slaves. Don't worry bro, the GDP is up so like, that definitely means something to someone.
We could at least give it a try, though. It would still be vastly better than our current bastardization wearing a very badly done capitalism skinsuit.
America is pretty much a socialist country trying to hide behind capitalism. Except we socialize the most retarded things and none of the beneficial ones.
Americans worshipping the dollar more than anything - their religion, their country, their culture - was only ever going to end one way, and we're there now. You can't have "muh free markets muh capitalism" and also prioritize employing Americans, because someone somewhere might make more shekelbucks than you by not hiring Americans, and you gotta 'win' capitalism at all costs, right? So fire all the Americans and import slaves. Don't worry bro, the GDP is up so like, that definitely means something to someone.
We could at least give it a try, though. It would still be vastly better than our current bastardization wearing a very badly done capitalism skinsuit.
America is pretty much a socialist country trying to hide behind capitalism. Except we socialize the most retarded things and none of the beneficial ones.
There are no beneficial ones. All socialism is cancer.