Guess the 9/11 tactic doesn't work anymore
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Is it hard to believe that a religion of peace was violent again?
Muslims are violent .But ISIS is very obviously israeli , with the way they behave, They always attack israel's enemies which includes other muslim countries but they never attack israel itself.(the one time they did they APOLOGIZED for it) Why when the entire muslim world is against israel right now is ISIS randomly targeting Russia instead of Israel?
Yeah, because they are different versions of Muslims. You really don't know much about Islam, do you?
They hate Jews the most. Then other religions (like Christians), followed by atheists. Then Muslims, who interpret shit another way. And only then - if you're 1:1 with their belief they might not want to kill you. But only if you are practicing your belief.
When was that?
its literally on the link i posted.
"Its" a screenshot with, I might add, nothing but a claim by a former Israeli official.
Good thing you're not an NPC, but a critical thinker.
Antonio, you're neither as informed or well read as you pretend. You might want to re-evaluate your news sources for purposefully deceiving you and leading you by the ear.
Here's the Obama speech about training & arming ISIL
I want to go back to the 1990's internet, where there was an IQ test simply to connect to the board.
Where have I 'pretended' to be informed or well-read, and what was the extent of that pretense?
This is not even a gotcha.
This, however, is very good advice. But I already take it for granted that any news source is purposely deceiving me. This does not mean that I have to follow the 'anti-establishment' line on everything though. They can be wrong too.
According to the White House website, this is what came before:
It is highly unlikely, to put it mildly, that this was an actual 'admission'. Now, you could call it a Freudian slip, but I also doubt that the US was actually training ISIS forces.
Sadly, now you and your vastly superior intellect have to tolerate my meager capabilities.
Telia is lying
Which part of what i said was a lie?;
Also your claim that
lol what a convenient excuse i wonder why they never apologized to any other country that also hit them very hard. And do you have any excuses to say about Israel training ISIS and admitting they like having ISIS occupying other countries and that they find ISIS useful and don't want them defeated?
Telia, lying? Unimaginable. He had such an honest face.
Prove it. It is proven through time that the goats will automatically become terrorists if left to their own devices, they cant help it.
i posted the link as proof already, Cohen
Telia lies
You're literally both jews circle jerking each other, you don't need to convince gopower2024 of anything cause he'll always side with jews whether they are right or wrong, similar to you
Of course, we have a contingent of muzzies and stormfags running this site.