If it does go through, I can see two things happening both separately and together:
Nothing changes as the people 'buying' Tiktok still allow the same degeneracy the Chinese just ban for their country, in fact it might get worse.
They fuck up managing the platform leading to more of a migration to another social media site, ironically I can see Twitter/X getting a boost from this, similarly what happened with Tumblr only this time thanks to Community notes, there's a lot more pushback so less eco chamber.
If it does go through, I can see two things happening both separately and together:
Nothing changes as the people 'buying' Tiktok still allow the same degeneracy the Chinese just ban for their country, in fact it might get worse.
They fuck up managing the platform leading to more of a migration to another social media site, ironically I can see Twitter/X getting a boost from this, similarly what happened with Tumblr only this time thanks to Community notes, there's a lot more pushback so less eco chamber.
that is absolutely guaranteed
But not Bobby (Kotick)! Hes just going to fill it with good educational material for children!