While true, she makes a strange accusation that what we call jews today are from "north of the Mediterranean" - a bit vague but I think she wants to claim jews are south-Europeans.
I find this funny, because she seems like the type of person that would believe that Europe was actually black and is all just a grand conspiracy theory.
Impressive that you managed to actually still fail to condemn anti-white hatred properly so you could promote your own anti-jew hatred instead. No need to defend whites when you can condemn jews, eh?
Nice try schlomo but some of us actually read the article.
99% of what she said is JQ redpills and yet you chose the one line mentioning Whites as your post title.
While true, she makes a strange accusation that what we call jews today are from "north of the Mediterranean" - a bit vague but I think she wants to claim jews are south-Europeans.
I find this funny, because she seems like the type of person that would believe that Europe was actually black and is all just a grand conspiracy theory.
Impressive that you managed to actually still fail to condemn anti-white hatred properly so you could promote your own anti-jew hatred instead. No need to defend whites when you can condemn jews, eh?
When you go so far-right that you end up defending hatred for white people: chef's kiss.
Don't pretend the wehraboo faggots are actually right wing. They simp for authoritarian government and racial idpol, they're lefties.
I don’t think the focus should be her issues with jews. But her hatred of whites - therefore I’m Jewish?