Something like that. And the one they were listening to was an evil Christian. Of course they didn’t provide the studies showing a male and female is the ideal parenting set.
Guess they didn't provide the stats showing lesbian relationships also having the highest reports of domestic abuse. That child likely ended up being abused by her lesbian step-mother.
Wow, I think even I remember seeing that episode. The final reveal was that it was the grandparents' lawyer feeding them "bad statistics?"
Something like that. And the one they were listening to was an evil Christian. Of course they didn’t provide the studies showing a male and female is the ideal parenting set.
Guess they didn't provide the stats showing lesbian relationships also having the highest reports of domestic abuse. That child likely ended up being abused by her lesbian step-mother.
Nope. They were too busy demonizing the Christian grandparents and showing the lesbian walking on water and having palms laid before her
They just had the grandma going, "I had no idea!"
That was around when I stopped watching. I figured out who did it too quickly and whatever morality they wanted to go along with it.