A buddy of mine sent me an article from a shill media site because he knew I’d roll my eyes and it was the usual tripe attacking fans and praised the last Jedi for “showing” that it’s ok to make bold decisions that fans don’t realize they need. Of course it mentioned that “fanboys were mad because they wanted a heroic Luke”. Of the many reasons I despise that movie, one is definitely this notion that subversion of expectations is brilliant writing.
What’s wrong with wanting to see a hero of a movie be heroic? I hope Rian Johnson never gets a hold of Superman. To be fair TFA should’ve had an opening scene with Luke training new Jedi. Had Rey been one of his students she would’ve been received much better. Plus you could’ve had more Jedi characters to build future stories and could’ve had Luke’s Jedi Academy at Disney world as an attraction.
Anyway, sorry about that rant. I just find that “subversion” as annoying as the Stranger Thigs season 3 where they set up that guy and the girl at the ice cream shop to be a couple (original plan) only to make her gay. Media shills actually called that a bold move. About as bold as race/gender swaps. A show that is an homage to the 80s thought that was a good idea
Trust me, don't. You'd have a better use of 2 and a quarter hours slapping your nuts with a fly swatter.
I'll say this much. I think I've enjoyed watching and re-watching the YouTube takedowns of the film as much as I have partially because I saw firsthand how bad it was.
I still haven't seen Rise of Palpatine or anything else Nu-Star Wars since. Fool me once....
You ever read any of the pre Disney books? You may enjoy that?
I have, and I have.
On the one hand, I'm curious as to how you know this. On the other hand... I don't want to know.
Because I've unfortunately seen tlj, and it was such an awful experience that it compares with some of the worst events of my life.
Well, if you go to his OF...