Because a decent amount of anti-gay talking heads got caught fucking young boys or gay prostitutes.
So that means all homophobia must just be projecting from secret gayness, and has nothing to do with the standard hypocrisy of politicians and authority.
Matt Walsh actually talked about this the other day- you notice how conservatives never try to insult or smear someone by saying "I bet you're secretly straight"?
We don't do that because of course we don't see being straight as derogatory- seems the gays know what they're doing is at least odd and unusual because why else would they treat it as a burn?
EDIT: I just realized this post is 4 months old, for some reason it showed up at the top of my KiA feed...
Where does the whole “you aren’t on board with the gay stuff so you are secretly gay” come from?
"Arachnophobia huh? You must secretly want to fuck spiders"
antisemites huh?
Because a decent amount of anti-gay talking heads got caught fucking young boys or gay prostitutes.
So that means all homophobia must just be projecting from secret gayness, and has nothing to do with the standard hypocrisy of politicians and authority.
Gotcha. I hate the term homophobia and transphobia. Not being interested in “ alternative lifestyles” doesn’t mean I’m afraid
Matt Walsh actually talked about this the other day- you notice how conservatives never try to insult or smear someone by saying "I bet you're secretly straight"?
We don't do that because of course we don't see being straight as derogatory- seems the gays know what they're doing is at least odd and unusual because why else would they treat it as a burn?
EDIT: I just realized this post is 4 months old, for some reason it showed up at the top of my KiA feed...
Good point. Understand. That happens sometimes