10 Starting Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (media.communities.win) posted 1 year ago by Ahaus667 1 year ago by Ahaus667 +10 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Excellent game - good, fun actiony combat from a time when that wasn't common in RPGs.
Very easy to make the game too easy, though. Avoid crafting if you want any kind of challenge.
I liked KoA- very fun and fluid combat and the story was fine. Gave up on it because it started to get grindy and padded but a good time while it lasted
I dumped it because the fey plotlines in the starting zone were so unfathomably dumb. I have yet to make it past that tripe.
PC game? Looks interesting
I’m playing it on ps5, but it was a ps3 game I think
Cool. I see it’s on Steam. I’ll check it out
I really enjoyed it back in the day. Always thought it was funny Curt Schilling's studio made such a cool game. It's too bad they went under.
I followed this game up it's own ass about seelie and unseelie courts and loved every minute of it.
I've always been afraid to revisit it, assuming the writing doesn't hold up.