Funnily enough I've seen some 4channers suggest something similar to this especially during covid especially since the drugs being demonized could be used as anti-parasiticals. It's an interesting idea even for the 4chan autists because there are things like Toxoplasmosis that could affect behavior.
America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control...
Even the original localization is quite something. Amazing shift in tone. I like how the US is explicitly the good guys in the "localized" version, and there's no talk of collapse either, just a backup plan. Also, no mention of Congress. That last bit is simple yet hilarious.
Despite all their cries of Our Democracy, they really don't want to talk about what Congress actually does, and they basically want you to ignore it. They did the same tone-shift with the military-industrial-(congressional) complex.
The original hit too close to home?
There's this and MGS2 codec call. What is it with Japanese and their ability to foresee the future?
Given all the stuff Japan has done and been through in the past, oh, century or so, I imagine it gives them an odd perspective on things.
Plus, I'm 90% certain that Japan society positively cultures and weaponizes autism in a way you don't see outside of certain message boards.
When you're outside the illusion and looking in, the seams where the bullshit tapestry was stitched together are pretty obvious.
inb4 BLM is plaga-controlled.
Las negras does have a ring to it.
Funnily enough I've seen some 4channers suggest something similar to this especially during covid especially since the drugs being demonized could be used as anti-parasiticals. It's an interesting idea even for the 4chan autists because there are things like Toxoplasmosis that could affect behavior.
"Subverting government control over the people is anti-semitic" ~ADL probably
The left will claim it's Trump. I like the poem though.
America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control...
Even the original localization is quite something. Amazing shift in tone. I like how the US is explicitly the good guys in the "localized" version, and there's no talk of collapse either, just a backup plan. Also, no mention of Congress. That last bit is simple yet hilarious.
Despite all their cries of Our Democracy, they really don't want to talk about what Congress actually does, and they basically want you to ignore it. They did the same tone-shift with the military-industrial-(congressional) complex.