I'm actually fine with cybernetics and having machine replacement for limbs and even organs full on Adam Jensen but control on limbs and direct access to my brain, nah that's a hard pass.
Even if you have entire compliance teams auditing this kind of stuff, with technology like this you can hide things in plain sight if you're clever enough and that's precisely what will happen.
Why do I feel they'll end up like this?
I'm actually fine with cybernetics and having machine replacement for limbs and even organs full on Adam Jensen but control on limbs and direct access to my brain, nah that's a hard pass.
Even if you have entire compliance teams auditing this kind of stuff, with technology like this you can hide things in plain sight if you're clever enough and that's precisely what will happen.
"It was not me, it was... the algorythm!"
that movie worth watch?
It's the better Venom, the main actor REALLY sells the control being taken from his body.
That's how long confidence games work.
First, the con man has to earn/win your trust ... only then can he slowly start putting the screws to his intended victim(s).