And the NRA has been all but disavowed by the gun community because of their willingness to "compromise" and the fact that they have operated as Wayne La Pierre's slush fund for 30 years.
The NRA has not been a part of any of the significant legal battles that have been clawing back gun rights since Bruen. Their primary value now is as a decoy for idiot leftists to mindlessly target for protests and political screeds while the real gun advocacy groups do their work in the background.
the NRA has been all but disavowed by the gun community
Tell that to my liberal Fudd neighbors who despite owning guns believe the NRA is an evil political activist group that only exists to do the bidding of Republicans and kill schoolchildren.
But you addressed that in the decoy part. So maybe we shouldn't tell them.
So how conservative are they truly, can they answer these yes/no questions:
Are you completely pro 2nd ammendment, no buts?
Death penalty for pedophiles found guilty beyond reasonable doubt?
Monogamous relationships
Replacing the US border with type of security on par with the Korean DMZ
Repealing all Abortion laws
Removal of conscription or making it apply to both genders
If they say yes to all then they can keep the name and group, no to any and you fight to keep the men out on your own.
TBF background checks and waiting periods (all supported by the NRA) are "buts"
And the NRA has been all but disavowed by the gun community because of their willingness to "compromise" and the fact that they have operated as Wayne La Pierre's slush fund for 30 years.
The NRA has not been a part of any of the significant legal battles that have been clawing back gun rights since Bruen. Their primary value now is as a decoy for idiot leftists to mindlessly target for protests and political screeds while the real gun advocacy groups do their work in the background.
You can rely on the NRA blaming violent video games like clockwork every mass shooting.
I will say though, the pure correlation, timeline-wise, is persuasive for someone who hasn't thought much about the cultural wreckage of the US.
The GOA and FPC are MUCH better organizations to support for pro-firearms ownership and 2A rights.
Tell that to my liberal Fudd neighbors who despite owning guns believe the NRA is an evil political activist group that only exists to do the bidding of Republicans and kill schoolchildren.
But you addressed that in the decoy part. So maybe we shouldn't tell them.