Don't prenups not work though? Or is that propaganda?
I know they are definitely far from foolproof, though. Get the wrong judge, and they'll throw the prenup out the window entirely because "it wouldn't be fair," or because the woman would make less money then if the contract didn't exist...which is like, no shit.
Some judges will literally overrule prenups because they would have worked.
Some judges will literally overrule prenups because they would have worked.
They will also overrule them because they were signed under "duress," because that voids most contracts. Except the "duress" in this case is asking her to sign a prenup, because she is now "coerced" into signing it by you holding the marriage hostage until she does.
So its basically a small extra obstacle you can add to maybe hope the judge doesn't side with the crying woman with the kids and no work history over you.
In a lot of states, you can't sign away interest to monies earned during the marriage. If you're talking about money you bring into it, they do often work.
But people wanted to bring up prenups when Jeff Bezos was divorced. I'm like, you can't do that. He was married while building the company. Half of that is standard. And that would be true whether his wife had worked at the business or not.
Don't prenups not work though? Or is that propaganda?
I know they are definitely far from foolproof, though. Get the wrong judge, and they'll throw the prenup out the window entirely because "it wouldn't be fair," or because the woman would make less money then if the contract didn't exist...which is like, no shit.
Some judges will literally overrule prenups because they would have worked.
They will also overrule them because they were signed under "duress," because that voids most contracts. Except the "duress" in this case is asking her to sign a prenup, because she is now "coerced" into signing it by you holding the marriage hostage until she does.
So its basically a small extra obstacle you can add to maybe hope the judge doesn't side with the crying woman with the kids and no work history over you.
In a lot of states, you can't sign away interest to monies earned during the marriage. If you're talking about money you bring into it, they do often work.
But people wanted to bring up prenups when Jeff Bezos was divorced. I'm like, you can't do that. He was married while building the company. Half of that is standard. And that would be true whether his wife had worked at the business or not.
Seems to vary wildly depending on the state.