It’s been a long time coming. The left really started believing that the average Muslim is how they would always ”represent” Muslims in their art/graphics: a hip young mildly brown 20-something girl with a small headscarf and a rainbow fist t-shirt. Turns out that’s not the norm for that demographic after all.
You're not doing shit but taking it up the ass from both sides. Stop pretending you're doing anything but sitting on your chair and virtue-signaling.
Where does your freedom fighter cell meet so we can join up?
They will rape your daughters given half a chance.
The muslims, or the trannies?
It’s been a long time coming. The left really started believing that the average Muslim is how they would always ”represent” Muslims in their art/graphics: a hip young mildly brown 20-something girl with a small headscarf and a rainbow fist t-shirt. Turns out that’s not the norm for that demographic after all.
Don't fall for a trojan horse.
Is this one of those "enemy of my enemy" moments?
No, it's a "let them fight" moment.
Kinda the same thing in my opinion, but that's just semantics.
If I have to choose between living under Sharia law, or anus law, then all I can say is Allahu Ackbar.
Agreed. At least under Islamic law I can behave like a man.