For me, I don't think he has a chance (because basically only regime-approved candidates do), but I'd be happy in the impossible case that he defeated Biden, because he seems like a decent fellow if a bit naive sometimes.
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Donald Trump failed the J6 litmus test by setting up his most ardent supporters to show up to a glowtrap and didn't even pardon them while he pardoned Kushner's dad.
DeSantis has nothing to do with J6. He said he would pardon anyone who was prosecuted in a politically biased and unfair manner.
I'm increasingly becoming convinced that Trump's primary fuck-up was not saying "let's burn this motherfucker down" on day 1. Instead, he thought he was dealing with people who could be reasoned and bargained with in good faith, behaved accordingly, and got burned by it.
Trump’s primary fuck-up was trusting Republicans.