Biden's Non-Binary Ex-Nuclear Waste Official Sam Brinton Arrested Again | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott
Sam Brinton, who previously served as Biden’s senior nuclear waste official under the Department of Energy, was arrested late Wednesday as a “fugitive from justice.” Brinton was arrested at his home in Rockville, Maryland by a team of officers from both th...
I’d bet there were articles, back when he was hired into the DOE, that touted him as representing LGBT people and showing what they can do. They were right, just a little premature.
LOL and an airport police unit was involved. Little faggot did the same crime as before, I’m guessing? That’s okay, he’ll just plead out and avoid jail time. Fuck, he has to, there are no non-binary prisons! It would be a hate crime to house him in any prison, better drop the charges and send they on them way with the Family Guy genderspecial privilege of “just do whatever you want all the time.”
That's OK, let's just put him in a maximum security prison, in the same cell as with a big guy named Bubba. Bubba will undoubtedly take good care of him.
That would be like a trip to the zoo for this flaming homo.
This alpaca faced faggot is still around?
He will certainly bleat like one if he gets actual prison time.
Stop using their language. Even when making fun of him. Non binary is not real. This is a cross dressing faggot with weird fetishes. Nothing more
But “non-binary” doesn’t take as long to type as “person with a mental illness, huge levels of attention-seeking narcissism, or both”!!
he'll be let out again. saints can't be held to the standards of society!
Fucking again?? Just throw him in prison already, dress and all. It's clearly what he wants. Who are we to deny him his right to be sodomized by swarthy prison gentlemen for the rest of his life?
We have laws against cruel and unusual punishment for our prisoners… why subject them to him. Can’t we send him on an all expenses paid one way trip to some place with much stricter punishments against theft and let that country deal with it? Surely that is less expensive than keeping him in our prisons.
I do not understand how people can honestly say they believe Biden was a better choice for president over Trump. Even if you ignore his whole history of being a corrupt piece of shit, his history of wild incompetence and straight lying on things easy to verify as a lie, if showing someone a picture of this creep and saying Biden thought this dude should be in charge of how the nation regulates the disposal of nuclear waste doesn’t convince you the man is incompetent and unfit to lead nothing will.