It’s also why the entire identity studies industry is based off grievances while not being able to answer very basic questions. CRT was a legal theory, “gay rights” was test law cases, same as women’s rights. Political authoritarianism and the forcing of the Overton window without actually having to debate the merits of the idea. It’s why they put out a study claiming “genetic loci markers of homosexuality” when only 8-25% of the gay people tested shared the loci they claimed were the “gay genes”.
Anyone who considers the phrase "hate speech" to be anything other than a meaningless ejaculation used to advance censorship is either a leftist or an idiot (not much difference, I know).
The harder pill to swallow is realizing that the 1964 civil rights act as a whole was a mistake.
It’s also why the entire identity studies industry is based off grievances while not being able to answer very basic questions. CRT was a legal theory, “gay rights” was test law cases, same as women’s rights. Political authoritarianism and the forcing of the Overton window without actually having to debate the merits of the idea. It’s why they put out a study claiming “genetic loci markers of homosexuality” when only 8-25% of the gay people tested shared the loci they claimed were the “gay genes”.
Anyone who considers the phrase "hate speech" to be anything other than a meaningless ejaculation used to advance censorship is either a leftist or an idiot (not much difference, I know).
no shit
Blasphemy laws with a newspeak name.
Tell me more, Schlomo.