This is a bit of a shower thought, but I'm wondering if all the polytard nonsense that's been pushed over the last few years is the even more degenerate dark side of female hypergamy. We know that the vast majority of women are only interested in a tiny portion of men (the top of the top of the top on the SMV pecking order). It's often referred to as the 80/20 rule (80% of women going for 20% of men), but there's evidence that it's more like the top 5% (source). Whatever the exact numbers, the point remains the same: This leaves a ton of leftover men, and a much smaller number of women who are disgustingly low value, even by current year's nasty standards. Those women might consider 7s, 6s, and possibly 5s to be on their level instead of 9s and 10s, but they still have a ridiculously overinflated perception of their SMV.
The main response society has to this problem is to sweep it under the rug and expect men to continue playing the sick game or rot in a ditch if they can't/won't. But a secondary response appears to be promoting polyamory. In a certain sense that's already happening organically with the women and top men (think a de facto form of polygyny). The setup isn't officially a relationship and frankly Chad Thundercock doesn't need to seek progressive validation of his lifestyle so they don't use that term, but that's what it is in practice. That's not what the degenerate media is promoting, however. A man with multiple women is a crime against feminism. They don't criticize women who participate in those setups because criticizing women's shitty taste in men is an even worse crime against feminism. Still, they don't approve of it and won't promote it. They're promoting nasty ass women with a cuck harem of low value males. I even once read an article promoting polyamory as a solution to the incel problem (I lost it and can't find it unfortunately). Now, polytards will tell you that there's a million different ways that polyamory can be structured. While that's true, the most common structure by far (outside the cock carousel that is) is the cuck harem. The media is eager to promote cuckoldry of course (example), and I sort of wonder if their goal is to get non-Chads to share bottom of the barrel women. Using the (optimistic) 80/20 numbers as an example, that's 4 non-Chads for every nasty woman who can't get Chad or Tyrone to bang her even in a dry spell. I think the cuckoldry aspect is enough for the elites to favor it, and it allows them to victim blame incels for being unwilling to share a disgusting woman with 3 other dudes. "Hey, polyamory is option for them. They obviously don't want sex as bad as they want to be misogynistic monogamists". I'm curious to know what people here think. It's kind of a half baked theory of mine that popped into my head a few days ago.
I get it that a lot of dudes are frustrated that they can't fuck and get pussy. I would be, too, but you've completely misjudged the situation. All this incel shit only applies to hookup culture, not relationships. People typically only spend a few years of their life hooking up, while spending 50+ years in relationships. The reason society doesn't give a shit that you can't get a high bodycount, is that every else got over it, grew up, and got married. Women think your desire for sex is gross, and men see you as the competition. Nobody will give you sympathy except other hard up dudes who are turning into incels.
Chads today create "soft harems" of sloots they rotate their coom around for based on their moods. It's important to understand that this only applies to sex. "female hypergamy" is completely irrelevant to women who want relationships, and women who aren't sluts.
And yes, the top 1% of guys get massive bodycounts of 500+ and it drops off very rapidly from there. If a typical slut has 20 sex partners, you can bet that like 15-18 are Chad types, and the remaining few are the dudes she "settled" for in relationships.
My bodycount is 50+, but unlike a true "Chad", I had to work for it. I couldn't just be lazy and get pussy. I had to actually date women and talk to them and impress them and make them laugh and shit. I had to work out and maintain a 6 pack. I had to invest hours and hours in building comfort and shit since girls would throw slut defense at me constantly. At one point I was on fire and fucking about half the girls I dated on the 1st date, but my overall average was more like 3 dates, and I'd openly tell girls if we didn't fuck by date 3 there wouldn't be a 4th date because my time was being wasted.
Again, this is true only for hookup sex. None of those 6/10 women fucking 9/10 dudes for random hookups are getting any relationships with those men. For relationships, all those 6/10 women have to lower their "standards", and if they don't, their only option is to go on r/femaledatingstrategy and REEEE then shop for cats.
I talked to a LOT of girls who only fucked Chads and then would try to waste my time. I developed methods to out them and spot them ASAP and then ghosted them or converted them over to gossip bait for other girls. (girls LOVE to talk shit about other women and laugh about cock carousel roasties, the #1 thing that makes a girl feel like she's not a slut, is to talk shit about bigger sluts)
Anyway I eventually got bored of sex and feeling like it was a job to check boxes for some roastie and pretend to like her until I pumped out her meat flaps.
If you want to fuck more girls, and you can't hit the gym and get ripped and actually boost your looks to fuck-level, then you need to cultivate a "high value boyfriend" image and learn how to not be thirsty, then reel in the roastie rebounds and pump and dump them.
If you are who you say you are, then you know that women can’t lower their standards indefinitely. Getting pumped and dumped by chad literally ruins them for life. That’s the biggest problem with the current 20/80 skew: each woman that chad bangs and drops is another one off the table forever. The best they can muster is a few post-wall years of proper assortive mating before their memories of chad trigger a divorce. Hardly a “win” for the beta bux dude she destroys.
Dude is a larping incel himself if he really believes former whores lower their standards for relationships without secretly resenting their partner.
You cannot truly believe that any woman that "lowrrs" her standards is actually going to stay in a relationship in the first place. Also 3s now think they're 6s because their egos are inflated by social media. So you're way off base old man. Not to mention this is another example of why I don't take you seriously when you claim to be a conservative.