The saying is "The blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". So it actually means that bonds you forged yourself can be stronger than family.
As an addendum, this is not Transhumanism.. This is Otherkin. Mental illness trans"species". Please don't confuse the two.
There is sketchy evidence of an earlier literary reference, but that seems to have been in error? That would make the entire reversed meaning a confabulation, with an attempt to push the etymology backwards from its origin in the Nineties. Wikipedia (of course) is all over the place, and (this source claims) is full of errors.
The discussion is interesting, but the tl;dr is that there's a long etymology of kin ties being referred to as 'blood,' while referring to your kin as 'water' smacks of 'found family' 90s bullshit and doesn't have a firm etymology.
Its worth noting that concepts like "blood brothers" have existed for centuries, and are common enough that boys still forge those types of ritual bonds on instinct.
So clearly the idea of it has always been somewhat around, even if not in a settled phrase.
I can't imagine how much pain my confusing the one form of insanity with the other might have caused Otherkin who might be reading this.
There's being pedantic and then there's just correcting someone when they're wrong. It's best to be corrected in a relatively friendly place like this than to go and refer to a freak who thinks he is an animal as a trans-humanist elsewhere and get laughed at for it.
I know I still laugh at my brother for thinking globalism is a synonym for being able to have trade and travel between different countries, and that anyone pushing back on it genuinely wants every country to be like 1700s Japan and close themselves off to the world.
It's best to be corrected in a relatively friendly place like this than to go and refer to a freak who thinks he is an animal as a trans-humanist elsewhere and get laughed at for it.
I suppose you're right.
Your reply has also led me to look into these differences.
Thanks for the motivation I needed to clarify these things in my mind.
I must shed this habit of becoming snarky when I'm properly contradicted or corrected. I blame online anonymity. It feeds my egotism.
No problem man trust me I get it. I am the exact same way sometimes. I honestly blame reddit. Years and years of dwelling in a place where the average user is borderline retarded, not to mention probably acting in bad faith, did a number on me mentally when it comes to interacting on the internet and I'm still shaking free from it.
The saying is "The blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". So it actually means that bonds you forged yourself can be stronger than family.
As an addendum, this is not Transhumanism.. This is Otherkin. Mental illness trans"species". Please don't confuse the two.
I searched the phrase and found a discussion on the etymology which argues the origins of the phrase:
There is sketchy evidence of an earlier literary reference, but that seems to have been in error? That would make the entire reversed meaning a confabulation, with an attempt to push the etymology backwards from its origin in the Nineties. Wikipedia (of course) is all over the place, and (this source claims) is full of errors.
The discussion is interesting, but the tl;dr is that there's a long etymology of kin ties being referred to as 'blood,' while referring to your kin as 'water' smacks of 'found family' 90s bullshit and doesn't have a firm etymology.
Its worth noting that concepts like "blood brothers" have existed for centuries, and are common enough that boys still forge those types of ritual bonds on instinct.
So clearly the idea of it has always been somewhat around, even if not in a settled phrase.
Thanks for setting me straight.
I was unaware of the origin of the homily. Live and learn. Did I get that one right? Or am I using another old saw out of context?
I can't imagine how much pain my confusing the one form of insanity with the other might have caused Otherkin who might be reading this.
I will reform, Commissar.
There's being pedantic and then there's just correcting someone when they're wrong. It's best to be corrected in a relatively friendly place like this than to go and refer to a freak who thinks he is an animal as a trans-humanist elsewhere and get laughed at for it.
I know I still laugh at my brother for thinking globalism is a synonym for being able to have trade and travel between different countries, and that anyone pushing back on it genuinely wants every country to be like 1700s Japan and close themselves off to the world.
I suppose you're right.
Your reply has also led me to look into these differences.
Thanks for the motivation I needed to clarify these things in my mind.
I must shed this habit of becoming snarky when I'm properly contradicted or corrected. I blame online anonymity. It feeds my egotism.
No problem man trust me I get it. I am the exact same way sometimes. I honestly blame reddit. Years and years of dwelling in a place where the average user is borderline retarded, not to mention probably acting in bad faith, did a number on me mentally when it comes to interacting on the internet and I'm still shaking free from it.