Mindy Robinson on Gab: 'Even when the most leftist rag in the world the W…'
Mindy Robinson on Gab: 'Even when the most leftist rag in the world the Washington Compost finally admits the vaccinated are statistically dying more…Facebook will ban you for posting about it.When you get caught conspiring to poison everyone on the planet...
Can't have any of that *misinformation out there.
What incident was this?
Ah, I vaguely remember some of the bullshit. I think I heard "muh online harassment" narrative popup and immediately tuned out it because I knew it would be bullshit.
I remember Zhou getting triggered. I think Ashley St. Clair was part of TPUSA so no surprise she would be that way. She is also Jewish so...
most average woman
This is a stupid antivax argument.
"The vaccinated are dying more". Umm, yes, because:
The vast majority of unvaxxed who were going to die already died.
The vast majority of very high risk people are vaxxed.
The two above factors mean that, over time, you'll see more vaxxed people die even though the vax actually saved a lot of lives and greatly reduces the risk of death for high risk populations.
Mindy Robinson is an idiot and doesn't understand basic scientific concepts like factoring in age & risk & looking at past deaths.
Why isn't the same true of the vaccinated? Everyone was unvaccinated for the first six months of the pandemic, and that was when the Democrats were actively trying to kill the most vulnerable by sending COVID to nursing homes.