posted ago by dekachin ago by dekachin +17 / -8
  • I'm very harsh on shows with shitty plots or any woke shit. My gf has to endure me constantly pausing and shitting on the shows. I haven't even watched the new LOTR because I know I won't even be able to make it through an episode.

  • If you don't like anime, I don't blame you. A lot of anime is written "by the numbers" to appeal to fetishes and tropes to hit minimum guaranteed sales targets. Most shows are written not to be great, but to just not fail so the studio can pay its bills. This results in a lot of generic garbage with lolis and waifus and copy/pastes of the dominant tropes. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners looks like anime, but the characters and plot aren't "anime".

  • I started to shit on Edgerunners because shows these days made me so cynical. Basically I started to point out that Lucy suddenly liking the MC was unearned fan service bullshit. "she wouldn't like him so much". Mere seconds later the show fully explained why Lucy was "liking" the MC. Shit got real. The plot was solid all the way through. You can actually use your brain when watching this show and the show respects its internal logic.

  • Written by Japanese, of course, you have to go all the way to Japan to not have your shit ruined by Hollywood's libtard writing cabal.

  • This show is a very manly ultra-violence badass show, yet my (japanese) GF absolutely loved the show, was seriously upset by the (non-happy) ending, and downloaded the OST so now that's what plays when I'm with her in the car.