White Supremacist with Seoul
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If I were skipped, I wouldn't assume it was due to my color.
It seems there is a certain kind of black person who thinks that no one in the world has bad experiences, and that every negative experience at all must be because he is black. Low grades at the university that admitted you because of your race? Must be racism.
It's embarrassing, but it's even more embarrassing that people humor this sort of thing.
Aka the eternal victim or how I like to call it "it's cuz I am black, right?". Doesn't matter if no intent was behind it. Got taken over on the highway? Racism. Didn't get some gibz somewhere? Racism. Had an altercation because you play loud music in public and annoy the shit out of everyone? Racism. No money because you don't have a job? Racism.
At some point you'd think they would learn but I guess it will always be racism for them if anything slightly inconvenient happens to them.
Oh nooo, racist Asians, who would have guessed!!!!
This is retarded. You can't even see skin color in the video because everyone is literally bright yellow.
Just a bunch of attention whore wannabe victims.
Or maybe it isn’t racism and you have just been raised or brainwashed to see racism where none exists
And the singer actually apologized. I went to Disney world when I was 7. I didn’t get to meet some of the characters. Life goes on