I defend them, but you're nowhere nearly as triggered by me as you are by them (or even just plain women) - despite the fact that I continually bash you.
Siding with the people who created the problem won't fix it. We must end the demonization of being male, and that starts with letting feminism be cancelled.
You do have the power to stoke division into feminism, and to weaken the whole though - perhaps readying it for defeat.
But your 'theory of victory' is basically extinction of the human race. You act not based on strategy, but on your personal frustration. That is why your contributions are mostly on the level of "HAHAHA WOMEN PWNED" - regardless of whether that helps or harms the fight against feminism.
TERFs asshurt about the tactics they used to soft ban porn being used on them.
I don't feel any sympathy for Gender Criticals, they're all terrible people who would dance on my grave.
The FSU isn't a TERF group though?
Anyone who defends TERFs might as well be one.
I defend them, but you're nowhere nearly as triggered by me as you are by them (or even just plain women) - despite the fact that I continually bash you.
Imp can't hate you because you have a dick.
Because you are just misguided, thinking you can build a strategy around them. The actual people who associate with TERFs are evil.
They're welcome to dance on my grave, provided that they are useful in the interim.
Siding with the people who created the problem won't fix it. We must end the demonization of being male, and that starts with letting feminism be cancelled.
You do not have that power.
You do have the power to stoke division into feminism, and to weaken the whole though - perhaps readying it for defeat.
But your 'theory of victory' is basically extinction of the human race. You act not based on strategy, but on your personal frustration. That is why your contributions are mostly on the level of "HAHAHA WOMEN PWNED" - regardless of whether that helps or harms the fight against feminism.
But we have the power to ignore when others abuse power to shut them down.
What personal frustration? Is this just a long-winded way of calling me an incel?