64 "2 + 2 = 4" (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 2 years ago by SupremeReader 2 years ago by SupremeReader +65 / -1 74 comments download share 74 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I must be the most racist person in the world cause I do math all day at work as a machinist
I helped my nephew with algebra homework. I’m a monster!
You probably have "internalized whiteness" or something like that. I'm not a democrat so I can't be sure of the diagnosis. Check with your resident expert and trust the science.
Lol. I honestly can’t believe this is taken seriously. I used to believe STEM was free of this garbage
Nothing is ever free of invasion.
It was, that's why it was focused down so heavily.
How'd that work out for Galileo?
I'm a mathematical retard, so I must be very anti racist.