Sweden is what happens when you make immigration discussions a taboo
It is not immigration per se that is taboo, but discussing the results of immigration. Hell, the governing party itself reportedly severely restricted immigration in 2015.
The Swedish right-wing bloc is about as right-wing as AOC. The Liberals and Moderates are pro-EU "social liberal, fiscal centrist" types, which is to say commies by a different name. They and the Christian Democrats all supported the vaccine passports, and even the Sweden Democrats, who used to be based, have changed their tune. They also now favour remaining in the EU.
The globalists who run Sweden would never have let these people gain power if they weren't already controlled opposition.
The Swedish right-wing bloc is about as right-wing as AOC.
I'll be the first to point out that different "parties" are basically the same, but this is exaggerating to the extreme.
even the Sweden Democrats, who used to be based, have changed their tune. They also now favour remaining in the EU.
Or they decided that a quixotic Crusade against the EU, which isn't going to happen and only costs the party, was not worth it sacrificing their other goals.
The globalists who run Sweden would never have let these people gain power if they weren't already controlled opposition.
The Swedish Democrats won't gain power. I am almost positive of that. (I know nothing of the Swedish political situation, just relying on my general knowledge of how things go in Europe.)
Without the Sweden Dwmocrats, the centre-right bloc won't have enough seats to form a government. The Greens and the Social Democrats will never form a coalition with them, and the Centre Party didn't win enough seats to make up the shortfall if the Sweden Democrats are excluded.
Without the Sweden Dwmocrats, the centre-right bloc won't have enough seats to form a government.
The word 'bloc' is highly misleading in this context. I have seen messages online that the Moderates will try to make a government over the right, which is a semi-good sign, but I predict it's just for the show and that they will (intentionally) fail.
In reality, the Moderates have more in common with the Social Democrats than with the Sweden Democrats - they are both globalist neoliberal parties, the Moderates perhaps even worse than the SocDems (they destroyed the Swedish educational system with 'progressive education' and said that Sweden belongs to immigrants and not to native Swedes).
The Greens and the Social Democrats will never form a coalition with them
If other European countries are a guide, neoliberal nominal right-wingers will form a coalition with neoliberal nominal left-wingers.
The Moderates are now the third largest party in the Swedish Parliament, after the Social Democrats and the Sweden Democrats. Forming a coalition with the Social Democrats would mean becoming a junior partner and giving up the ability to make policy in favour of a small amount of influence.
The most likely defector from the centre-right bloc is actually the Liberals. They're the traditionally "free-market", pro-big business party, and also very pro-EU, which puts them at odds with the Sweden Democrats. Add their 20 seats to the left wing, bloc, and the Social Democrats stay in power.
I would like to point out Thomas Sowell's Knowledge And Decisions.
Part of system of Information, becoming experience, formalized into knowledge, and institutionalized into tradition, must be experience.
Although I hate Communism, I do not think it is acceptable to ban Communism because the prohibition prevents experience. The lies, deception, subversion, and illusion of Leftism only work with an inexperienced people.
So much attention on the political "right" (I suspect due to their focus on orderliness and psychological protectionism) is focused on staying on the path of righteousness without ever really showing why the path of darkness is so dangerous. Hence, prohibition seems like a better idea than letting people experience the darkness.
Hilariously, the political Left has taken up a hard-line Leftist moralism that dares not tolerate anything outside of it's currently asserted values. Their prohibition and intolerance make them a perfect target for subversion and mockery, which we exploit.
Better yet, our greatest weapons are exposure to Leftism, whether it be through journalists recording BLM race riots, sharing Hunter Biden's laptop photos, broadcasting the harrowing experience of de-transitioning, or basically: Libs Of TicTok.
This is also why control over the media and entertainment is so essential for Leftism, and why is must be so censorious. The visual media is a mechanism that allows you to share in someone else's experience without ever having gone through it yourself. By drowning the public in lies from the media class, the population go through false experiences (Jussie Smollet was lynched) that are formalized into false knowledge (Anti-Black lynchings are widespread), that are then institutionalized into manufactured traditions (Virtue signal your Solidarity with a black square on Twitter). These cultural traditions are already the final victory that gives you the political capital to pass insane political polices that support Leftism.
What we are seeing in Sweeden (and Italy, and France, and UK, and US, and Denmark) are a population being exposed to Leftism, but benefiting from the minor gaps in Leftist control that allow for dissenting factions to expose the population to their actual experiences, creating actual knowledge, that can be turned into real traditions.
The Culture War is quite real, and is more important than the other parts (except maybe the monetary part) of our battle against the Fabian Socialist order. Banning Leftism from society only prevents people from experiencing the damage that it inflicts. The natural exposure to Leftism, as with any disease, allows you to build immunity to it. Sweeden is gaining it's Herd Immunity against Leftism, as many others are, slowly but surely.
One thing I would like us to focus on related to gaming is that gaming is an even more interesting mechanism to teach people the experience of Leftism. Due to it's interactivity, anti-Leftist game development could allow for people to have a kind of pseudo-experience, much in the same way that journalism or documentaries do, but in a far more powerful and personal way. Similar to the way that Tropico kind of made me anti-Communist. If we could develop our own games, or even just gaming clans that promote anti-Leftist traditions and communities within a game population, it would allow people to be exposed to traditions and cultures that are effectively inaccessible in the rest of their world.
Hate to burst your bubble, but this doesn't mean anything in a parliamentary system. The "Moderates" (really far-leftist neoliberals) will just govern with the Social Democrats (who are also far-leftist neoliberals).
It is not immigration per se that is taboo, but discussing the results of immigration. Hell, the governing party itself reportedly severely restricted immigration in 2015.
The Swedish right-wing bloc is about as right-wing as AOC. The Liberals and Moderates are pro-EU "social liberal, fiscal centrist" types, which is to say commies by a different name. They and the Christian Democrats all supported the vaccine passports, and even the Sweden Democrats, who used to be based, have changed their tune. They also now favour remaining in the EU.
The globalists who run Sweden would never have let these people gain power if they weren't already controlled opposition.
I'll be the first to point out that different "parties" are basically the same, but this is exaggerating to the extreme.
Or they decided that a quixotic Crusade against the EU, which isn't going to happen and only costs the party, was not worth it sacrificing their other goals.
The Swedish Democrats won't gain power. I am almost positive of that. (I know nothing of the Swedish political situation, just relying on my general knowledge of how things go in Europe.)
Without the Sweden Dwmocrats, the centre-right bloc won't have enough seats to form a government. The Greens and the Social Democrats will never form a coalition with them, and the Centre Party didn't win enough seats to make up the shortfall if the Sweden Democrats are excluded.
The word 'bloc' is highly misleading in this context. I have seen messages online that the Moderates will try to make a government over the right, which is a semi-good sign, but I predict it's just for the show and that they will (intentionally) fail.
In reality, the Moderates have more in common with the Social Democrats than with the Sweden Democrats - they are both globalist neoliberal parties, the Moderates perhaps even worse than the SocDems (they destroyed the Swedish educational system with 'progressive education' and said that Sweden belongs to immigrants and not to native Swedes).
If other European countries are a guide, neoliberal nominal right-wingers will form a coalition with neoliberal nominal left-wingers.
But let's hope I'm wrong.
The Moderates are now the third largest party in the Swedish Parliament, after the Social Democrats and the Sweden Democrats. Forming a coalition with the Social Democrats would mean becoming a junior partner and giving up the ability to make policy in favour of a small amount of influence.
The most likely defector from the centre-right bloc is actually the Liberals. They're the traditionally "free-market", pro-big business party, and also very pro-EU, which puts them at odds with the Sweden Democrats. Add their 20 seats to the left wing, bloc, and the Social Democrats stay in power.
I would like to point out Thomas Sowell's Knowledge And Decisions.
Part of system of Information, becoming experience, formalized into knowledge, and institutionalized into tradition, must be experience.
Although I hate Communism, I do not think it is acceptable to ban Communism because the prohibition prevents experience. The lies, deception, subversion, and illusion of Leftism only work with an inexperienced people.
So much attention on the political "right" (I suspect due to their focus on orderliness and psychological protectionism) is focused on staying on the path of righteousness without ever really showing why the path of darkness is so dangerous. Hence, prohibition seems like a better idea than letting people experience the darkness.
Hilariously, the political Left has taken up a hard-line Leftist moralism that dares not tolerate anything outside of it's currently asserted values. Their prohibition and intolerance make them a perfect target for subversion and mockery, which we exploit.
Better yet, our greatest weapons are exposure to Leftism, whether it be through journalists recording BLM race riots, sharing Hunter Biden's laptop photos, broadcasting the harrowing experience of de-transitioning, or basically: Libs Of TicTok.
This is also why control over the media and entertainment is so essential for Leftism, and why is must be so censorious. The visual media is a mechanism that allows you to share in someone else's experience without ever having gone through it yourself. By drowning the public in lies from the media class, the population go through false experiences (Jussie Smollet was lynched) that are formalized into false knowledge (Anti-Black lynchings are widespread), that are then institutionalized into manufactured traditions (Virtue signal your Solidarity with a black square on Twitter). These cultural traditions are already the final victory that gives you the political capital to pass insane political polices that support Leftism.
What we are seeing in Sweeden (and Italy, and France, and UK, and US, and Denmark) are a population being exposed to Leftism, but benefiting from the minor gaps in Leftist control that allow for dissenting factions to expose the population to their actual experiences, creating actual knowledge, that can be turned into real traditions.
The Culture War is quite real, and is more important than the other parts (except maybe the monetary part) of our battle against the Fabian Socialist order. Banning Leftism from society only prevents people from experiencing the damage that it inflicts. The natural exposure to Leftism, as with any disease, allows you to build immunity to it. Sweeden is gaining it's Herd Immunity against Leftism, as many others are, slowly but surely.
One thing I would like us to focus on related to gaming is that gaming is an even more interesting mechanism to teach people the experience of Leftism. Due to it's interactivity, anti-Leftist game development could allow for people to have a kind of pseudo-experience, much in the same way that journalism or documentaries do, but in a far more powerful and personal way. Similar to the way that Tropico kind of made me anti-Communist. If we could develop our own games, or even just gaming clans that promote anti-Leftist traditions and communities within a game population, it would allow people to be exposed to traditions and cultures that are effectively inaccessible in the rest of their world.
I guess you can only brush so many bombings and rapes under the rug. Here's to hoping Italy and Germany are next.
Italy is not unlikely. Germany, as always, is a lost cause.
Hate to burst your bubble, but this doesn't mean anything in a parliamentary system. The "Moderates" (really far-leftist neoliberals) will just govern with the Social Democrats (who are also far-leftist neoliberals).
Yes, Islam is right wing and we all knew it was happening in Sweden.
Oh wait, you mean the Uniparty flavor, that just squeaked in?
Wake me up when something good happens.