This is the same stance credit card companies like Mastercard took with OnlyFans. "Hey guys this is tough for us too. We don't want to make these decisions on who gets to live and who dies. The government should cancel people for us. Until they do, we have to cancel people."
Alot of the people in these companies pushing this are actually women if you read the articles and public statements. It is because women are far more likely to be retarded wokies
This is the same stance credit card companies like Mastercard took with OnlyFans. "Hey guys this is tough for us too. We don't want to make these decisions on who gets to live and who dies. The government should cancel people for us. Until they do, we have to cancel people."
The difference being OnlyFans won in the end.
Alot of the people in these companies pushing this are actually women if you read the articles and public statements. It is because women are far more likely to be retarded wokies
Letting woman have opinions was one of the greatest mistakes the West made.
I still think the Biden Administration stepped in for OnlyFans.
Who else is big enough to tell JPMorgan no?