GlobeAndMail - Trudeau’s state funded journalists fail basic math - over exaggerate Trucker Convoy impact.
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And how much GDP did we lose because of the fucking lockdowns you cheered for you syphilitic red-light cunts?
Suddenly NOW they care about GDP.
Only when attacking the freedom convoy do the communists pretend to be worried about money.
LOL. CAD 50 million to CAD 100 million a week, you ninnies.
Math checks out? Or is my brain unable to discern facts anymore?
If Canada's weekly GBP is 2.6 trillion dollars, though, her annual GDP is 135 trillion dollars - bigger than the US by a factor of ten.
GDP is annual, 52 weeks.
if you talk weekly you need to divide by 52.
So what you're saying is that it's even worse. Since it's now 5.2% to 10.4% of GDP that the Convoy was causing.
So in fact, the G&M actually downplayed the actual impact, which contradicts the title.
The 0.1% to 0.2% is the claim made, everything else is the reporter's math.
The source of that is the government wanting to martial-law the truckers so you can guarantee it's an overestimate. So the "0.2% of GDP per week" means "0.2% of weekly GDP" or 0.004% of yearly GDP per week of protest.
The Globe is owned by the Thompson family, not the government (the CBC is a crown corporation, though.)
However, it's the piece of shit rag that wants Canada to have a hundred million monkeypigs, mostly from Asia and Africa, because they think the country is "empty". Fuck them.
This is not the downtown blockade, it's the other protest at Ambassador Bridge which is a major shipping route between the US and Canada.