Abortions are not mandatory medical procedures (at least none that Oklahoma bans); and you are mandating an elective procedure on all male children that is not actually all that reversible, regardless of a doctors suggestion.
We already know you support this because it allows for population control, and you demonstrated that you were prepared to mandate medical procedures without consent on children with your previous "vaccination" edicts. The fact that you want this to go through a legislature for the first timeis a fucking improvement from what you normally do. At least you fucking asked this time!
If you just announce that you are going to criminalize pre-marital sex, you'll actually get Christian support.
I said it above, but I think the real issue is that they're fucking retarded.
This is a lawmaker essentially trolling, and trying to make a comparison to the abortion "ban." But failing due to the aforementioned retardation. He's not saying he wants this (although he should still be immediately removed for attempted civil rights violations and, again, the retardation), but that in his fucked up mind this is the exact same thing the evil Repubs are trying to do to the whamen!
Well, that's literally true. Imagine any other mammal claiming to "have rights", and it becomes apparent how silly the idea of "human rights" are.
Either you can do something, or you can't do it. Then there may or may not be consequences. Other members of your species may react, or perhaps you've violated a physical law like gravity. In any case, there is no such thing as immunity from results or consequences of acting.
Also again: This is still just a recipe for near genocide since childhood vasectomies, if not fixed relatively soon afterwards, are very likely to end up permanent and irreversible.
I dunno who keeps selling the idea that a vasectomy is just a cutesy little switch on/off procedure, but once again those supporting authoritarian megalomaniacs are proving to be anatomically illiterate in the incredibly harmful mandates they back.
This is still just a recipe for near genocide since childhood vasectomies, if not fixed relatively soon afterwards, are very likely to end up permanent and irreversible.
Abortions are not mandatory medical procedures (at least none that Oklahoma bans); and you are mandating an elective procedure on all male children that is not actually all that reversible, regardless of a doctors suggestion.
We already know you support this because it allows for population control, and you demonstrated that you were prepared to mandate medical procedures without consent on children with your previous "vaccination" edicts. The fact that you want this to go through a legislature for the first time is a fucking improvement from what you normally do. At least you fucking asked this time!
If you just announce that you are going to criminalize pre-marital sex, you'll actually get Christian support.
I said it above, but I think the real issue is that they're fucking retarded.
This is a lawmaker essentially trolling, and trying to make a comparison to the abortion "ban." But failing due to the aforementioned retardation. He's not saying he wants this (although he should still be immediately removed for attempted civil rights violations and, again, the retardation), but that in his fucked up mind this is the exact same thing the evil Repubs are trying to do to the whamen!
It's just a retard.
What the person is proposing is litterally a crime against humanity.
Well, that's literally true. Imagine any other mammal claiming to "have rights", and it becomes apparent how silly the idea of "human rights" are.
Either you can do something, or you can't do it. Then there may or may not be consequences. Other members of your species may react, or perhaps you've violated a physical law like gravity. In any case, there is no such thing as immunity from results or consequences of acting.
Broadband internet is a human right. Not being castrated by the state is not.
Why don't you drumpftards understand this???
Such things do not dissuade them.
Also again: This is still just a recipe for near genocide since childhood vasectomies, if not fixed relatively soon afterwards, are very likely to end up permanent and irreversible.
I dunno who keeps selling the idea that a vasectomy is just a cutesy little switch on/off procedure, but once again those supporting authoritarian megalomaniacs are proving to be anatomically illiterate in the incredibly harmful mandates they back.
Something something Climate Change