posted ago by almond_activator ago by almond_activator +28 / -0

I am a firm believer in the meaning of words, and in words having meaning, even when chosen by the subconscious mind rather than the conscious one.

A fortification is a mechanical force multiplier for defensive purposes. It allows ground to be held against a superior force with a smaller number of defenders, or poorly-equipped defenders. It must be built on ground the occupying side already holds, prior to the arrival of the opposing force, and requires personnel actively engaged to repel the enemy.

When the institutional Left spoke of "Fortifying the Election", they were tacitly admitting # things.

  1. The 'Election', in other words the electoral system, and by proxy the federal government, was territory they occupied and laid claim to.
  2. They had a defensive force ready and willing to protect their claim over the electoral system, but they were numerically inferior to those preparing to take it away (the voters).
  3. The only way to fend off the electoral assault on their claim was to implement a force multiplier for allow their limited defenders (ballot manufacturing/harvesting) to stave off the electorate at large.

I'm honestly quite irritated to have put all of this together two years after the fact. I knew they planned to cheat, and have not wavered in that belief since well before the last U.S. presidential election, but I should have realized they were telegraphing exactly how they planned to do it months in advance.

I would wager there are other instances of this out there, waiting to be noticed. It seems a cousin of the liar's smirk or beguiler's glee seen so often when a Leftist activist is interviewed or interrogated, knowing no consequences will come of it.