Brainwashed mask wearer threatens Costco employees with pepper spray for not wearing mask!
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Don't they mean, "Brave Amateur Virologist Defends Humanity From Disease-Ridden Horde?"
This isn't the kind of link you directly open. It's the type where you do a right click and "copy link address" and then paste into an archive.
Speaking of an archive link, here it is.
The NPC still didn't adapt to the end of cofraude.
It's a slow process. They've been bombarded with fear porn for 2+ years.
When the mask mandate indoors got dropped around here >90% kept wearing their masks. That was at the beginning of April. By now that's down to maybe 60-80% depending on the region.
Deprogramming takes time.
Anyone super familiar with the witch hunts? I only have a passing knowledge (like anyone else) so I can't really answer how long it actually took for people to stop being okay with burning "witches" and collectively start chuckling about how fucked up it was as if it was just an embarrassing school story.
Not american here. Can someone explain to me how security works in a store like Costco? Like, I was under the impression that they had private security (maybe even armed) for situations like these. I'd love to see that guy get pepper sprayed by security.
Costco security employs minimum-wage, unarmed "security guards" whose main task is to catch shoplifters (at least at stores not in San Francisco or NYC). They are unequipped to deal with such insane outbursts and are instructed to call the police in these sorts of circumstances. The same can be said, I think, for most if not all retail store security guards.
Thanks for your reply. I was under the impression that security had the right to use force on company grounds, probably too many Hollywood movies led me to believe that. Here in Latin America even though they have no legal right to, security would probably get physical once the customer put his hands on an employee. That old fucker would be in a rear naked choke shitting himself (literally) while he passed out.
It would put Costco in legal jeopardy to have paid armed guards on their premises. If a guard shot and killed a thief, well the thieves' family will sue and people in the store will also sue for being put in harms way. Costco's are not far away from police protection and due to the tax dollars they put in the economy police will be there in under 5 minutes at the worse.
retail security guards are largely window dressing. they generally have no power to actually do anything.
Seriously, if you wanna see Brazilian unarmed security at work google "segurança + mata leão" (security + rear naked choke). Many of the videos you'll see are just douchey security exercising power fantasies, but some of them are actually choking out of control crazy people.
Thanks for replying.
In 2022! Imagine still believing in the dangers of COVID and the efficacy of masks at this point in time.
This is when you need nignog the knockout game player.
Very true. All the masker left are the most insane ones asking the government to bring restrictions back on.
N-95s have never been mass deployed successfully. They are useful in isolated circumstances but the main mechanisms by which all masks fail is when you engage in physical exertion or go into an open space. Anyone wearing a n95 successfully would have a mark ring on their face due to suction pressure.
That's one of the silver linings of living in the third world. There's a lot more crime and violence, but there's also a little more leeway to break the rules when dealing with the criminals themselves. Besides every security guy here has had a few jiu jitsu or luta livre (Brazilian no gi grappling) lessons, and are always eager to try out some moves.