Is there something specific this guy did or are you so clueless that you fell for the brainwashing that only degenerates publicly speak out against degeneracy?
Who said anything about degeneracy, I'm calling him a faggot. Specifically the kind of faggot that thinks consenting adults lose rights or must act a certain way. I'm all for removing groomers and grooming from schools, but this guy's no different from the lgbtqbbq cult. Just replace degeneracy with conservativism.
Expecting or enforcing all adults to always act decent always is no different from expecting all adults to use your cisqueerdemigenderedphasophonic pronouns. It is reasonable to expect strangers to act respectfully towards other strangers, but that does not mean forcing a ban on anal or sanctioning literal cocksuckers.
Fuckit. This guy's a faggot, nobody can change my mind.
Is there something specific this guy did or are you so clueless that you fell for the brainwashing that only degenerates publicly speak out against degeneracy?
"there is no political solution" has become sort of a motto for a reason
no reason to think this guy's a faggot already but there's a solid 80% chance he'd turncoat even if he did get into some position of power
Who said anything about degeneracy, I'm calling him a faggot. Specifically the kind of faggot that thinks consenting adults lose rights or must act a certain way. I'm all for removing groomers and grooming from schools, but this guy's no different from the lgbtqbbq cult. Just replace degeneracy with conservativism.
WTF is wrong with expecting adults to act a certain way? Having a problem with that is why "conservatives" always lose.
Expecting or enforcing all adults to always act decent always is no different from expecting all adults to use your cisqueerdemigenderedphasophonic pronouns. It is reasonable to expect strangers to act respectfully towards other strangers, but that does not mean forcing a ban on anal or sanctioning literal cocksuckers.
Consenting adults in their own bedroom can act however they want.
Once they make what they do in the bedroom public then the rest of us get a say as to whether or not we want to share the public square with them.
Also degenerates are almost all pedos so they need to be kept away from children.