My penis stands up for women. I, however, have no issue with homos or other degenerates, so long as A) said degeneracy is consensual between all parties whom are legally able to consent, and B) said degenerates compose themselves with dignity in public. Ultimately, I am anti-fun police.
Consenting adults in their own bedroom can act however they want.
Once they make what they do in the bedroom public then the rest of us get a say as to whether or not we want to share the public square with them.
Also degenerates are almost all pedos so they need to be kept away from children.
My penis stands up for women. I, however, have no issue with homos or other degenerates, so long as A) said degeneracy is consensual between all parties whom are legally able to consent, and B) said degenerates compose themselves with dignity in public. Ultimately, I am anti-fun police.