I've said before, both the "trans people" I've known were clearly pressured into it by someone else. Seems like every coercive group become obsessed with genetalia.
Ran across this one on the heaven's gate cult doing the same thing:
"Applewhite began to question the obedience of his members...Now, he asked the men to join him in castration...Marshall Applewhite was talking about, How far would you go? To attain your mission?"
"On March 26, 1997, deputies of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department discovered the bodies of the 39 active members of the group, including that of Applewhite, in a house in the San Diego suburb of Rancho Santa Fe. They had participated in a mass suicide, a coordinated series of ritual suicides, coinciding with the closest approach of Comet Hale–Bopp.[3][4] Just before the mass suicide, the group's website was updated with the message: 'Hale–Bopp brings closure to Heaven's Gate ...our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion—'graduation' from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave 'this world' and go with Ti's crew.'"
"Applewhite believed that the "next level" was a place without gender. The Heaven's Gate environment was one of androgyny. Men and women wore close-cropped hairdos and baggy clothing."
I've mentioned it before, but in ancient China eunuchs were seen as more politically reliable, as an imperial servant could not betray the Emperor to form his own dynasty if you surgically removed his ability to do so. To put it in modern terms, it removes a man's loyalty to his family, and his aspirations for the future of his household.
Parcast goes into greater detail in its Cults podcast. That group was around since the 1970s, and it was mostly about removing one's humanity from oneself. Originally, how that was to be done was up to the individual. It just got whackier after a certain point. Also, they weren't into "converting" anyone, which is why they were a pretty loose group with people coming and going (rather than being banned from leaving like stereotropical "cult" cults.) Either someone saw the truth of what they had to say, or they didn't. The ones meant to join, joined. Who needs the negative energy of doubting Thomases, anyway?
When people talk about shedding their "humanity", they mean the "animal" side of themselves, because these fart-sniffers think the "human" part is the "mind" (which they mistakenly think only humans have.) Since sex is the very symbol of animal nature, the genitals become the obvious target. This is how HG got to where they did. They were trying to ascend to heaven as energy beings, not trying to meet aliens. Energy beings are, pretty much by definition, sexless, with no trace of being a "dirty animal".
Keep in mind that cult leaders in general tend to be pathological narcissists with charisma, who are after either sex or money, or just want to have power over people in general.
That's very similar to contemporary tranny garbage. They have a dualist view of the self like that. Look at Martine Rothblatt, for example. The difference is modern trannies consider technologically created transhumanism to be their ultimate liberation.
It actually echoes right the fuck back to the gnostics, who thought the God of the Old Testament had to be the Devil, because only the Devil involves itself in Earthly things at all (including making the damn thing!) The God of the New Testament, on the other hand, was seen as pure spirit (aka, energy being.)
(On the other hand, you have the medieval symbol of the gryphon. Half eagle, half lion, half king of the sky, half king of terrestrial beasts. Half spirit being, half mundane beast. Guess who it's a metaphor for? It's why one appears towing the chariot that takes Dante from Purgatory to Paradise in the Divine Comedy. Although in this case, it's a welcome synthesis.
Also consider the werewolf, the fear of the animal in Man.)
Yeah, gnostics were similar, too.
The Magna Mater cult in Rome would be easily recognizable as tranny bullshit. Castrated men wearing women's clothes and heavy makeup walked around the cities begging for money.
Did they at least do a little song and dance?
Religions that practice circumcision, use the psychological threat of a religious persona putting a knife to your genitals.
The Abrahamic religions are all different sects of a 5,000+ year old death cult.