Historian mode:
Russians actually decided if they should be European or Asian. There was a whole thing about cutting sleeves to be more European.
Chinghis didn't even want Europe. He followed a trade route that goes from Korea to the middle east, Africa, and India. His generals entered Europe, kicked ass, and decided there was nothing of worth in the area. It's why Europe has been so sheltered for so long, most conquerors didn't see it as important.
To be fair, there was also nords rampaging through modern Russia/ Slavic region for centuries prior, Eastern Europe was war ravaged most of its existence.
Historian mode: Russians actually decided if they should be European or Asian. There was a whole thing about cutting sleeves to be more European.
Chinghis didn't even want Europe. He followed a trade route that goes from Korea to the middle east, Africa, and India. His generals entered Europe, kicked ass, and decided there was nothing of worth in the area. It's why Europe has been so sheltered for so long, most conquerors didn't see it as important.
To be fair, there was also nords rampaging through modern Russia/ Slavic region for centuries prior, Eastern Europe was war ravaged most of its existence.
Plus the Crimean (and other parties of Ukraine) were LITERALLY ruled by the direct descenadats of the Golden Horde until the 1780s.
This man fucks history.
I find it attractive, but have been seeing culture as well. There hasn't been any serious relationship for a while now.