posted ago by TechParadox ago by TechParadox +12 / -0

New Splash Damage has dropped, with the latest batch of takes on the ludicrousness that is woke gaming development and journalism! From the original Reddit post:

Reviewers admit kung-fu action game Sifu is awesome, but games journalists can’t resist saying the game is problematic simply because it’s about Asian culture but made by white developers. We discuss how racist it is to gatekeep fiction by skin color along with PC Gamer’s embarrassing take on video game violence, Kotaku not realizing the irony of comparing Dying Light 2’s zombie pandemic to COVID-19, Sony’s censorship of Martha is Dead, Horizon Forbidden West’s endless accessibility features, Kotaku calling out Critical Role’s newest D&D campaign setting as problematic, racebending in Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and more.
Find the episode on your favorite podcasting app or here, and thanks for listening and your support!

Standard disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not associated with the show, I'm reposting it as a signal boost