That wasn't the Canadians. That was the British regulars (mostly English) who were quite battle hardened from the Napoleonic Wars.
It's interesting because the invasion fleet was no fucking joke. Those were crack troops, who were heavily decorated in combat, with absolutely excellent weapons and equipment. The fact that the American militias were able to forestall them and get them to withdraw is a credit to their marksmanship in identifying and targeting officers.
The best part is that Klaus Schawb's dad was probably under American Occupation and arrest at the time of this.
No... actually, the best part is Hitler wishing he would have acted like Austria.
oh goodness. :)
HitlerTrudeau: Real Canadians would comply! They are supposed to be nice, docile, and timid!Me: looks at Canadian performance and behavior in both World Wars "Are you sure about that?"
Everybody always forgets that the Canadians can fight.
There the only people that defeated 3 American invasions in a single war.
Then burned down Washington, right?
That wasn't the Canadians. That was the British regulars (mostly English) who were quite battle hardened from the Napoleonic Wars.
It's interesting because the invasion fleet was no fucking joke. Those were crack troops, who were heavily decorated in combat, with absolutely excellent weapons and equipment. The fact that the American militias were able to forestall them and get them to withdraw is a credit to their marksmanship in identifying and targeting officers.
The Downfall meme ended when there was a Downfall meme about Downfall memes.
It's really very weird when you can understand Deutsch, lol... Though it still works, or at least, I still find it (mostly) funny!
untrue, if this was accurate the only one who'd be crying would be Justin and yes, that'd ruin his shoe polish.