posted ago by Sgt_Thundercok ago by Sgt_Thundercok +9 / -4

But I will never call a man a woman or vice-versa. Stop playing the slippery slope game they have you on. This is a sickness, plain and simple.

You're all being slowly neutered and you don't even know it. The things you are not allowed to call out, and so now it is just reflexive that you do not.

Shit being stuck in our face 24/7 but "LOL who cares man!" You are too dense to realize it is an agenda of death by 1,000 cuts.

For fuck sake, I was testing out Battlefield Vagina to try the coop with my brother and every... fucking.. menu click has a woman soldier stuck in your face.

You pussies playing the female character in Far Cry 6; Cyberpunk; whatever. What got you there? What had you not associate with what young men have through history, eh? Yeah fuck right off with your rationalizations. You are just a product. You are a tool. Emasculated.

This is a massively funded agenda and you idiots just think it's because some people are misguided.

Start standing up and being men again, instead of some skinny-jean wearing beta faggot at Starbucks.