But I will never call a man a woman or vice-versa. Stop playing the slippery slope game they have you on. This is a sickness, plain and simple.
You're all being slowly neutered and you don't even know it. The things you are not allowed to call out, and so now it is just reflexive that you do not.
Shit being stuck in our face 24/7 but "LOL who cares man!" You are too dense to realize it is an agenda of death by 1,000 cuts.
For fuck sake, I was testing out Battlefield Vagina to try the coop with my brother and every... fucking.. menu click has a woman soldier stuck in your face.
You pussies playing the female character in Far Cry 6; Cyberpunk; whatever. What got you there? What had you not associate with what young men have through history, eh? Yeah fuck right off with your rationalizations. You are just a product. You are a tool. Emasculated.
This is a massively funded agenda and you idiots just think it's because some people are misguided.
Start standing up and being men again, instead of some skinny-jean wearing beta faggot at Starbucks.
Lol you had me until your "stop playing female characters faggot" rant. I rarely do that anyway, but don't think it says anything about the identity of people who do. From your example, I played as both the male and female characters in Cyberpunk to hear the different dialogue in both. Oops there's one of my rationalizations.
This is like when someone on c/Gaming said stealth games are bad because they turn you into a pussy who runs away instead of a warrior who attacks enemies head on.
Why? Who does it hurt, except for women, who are responsible for your next issue? Do you like fighting battles for people who hate you?
The (female) lead producer for that game advocated for mandatory vasectomies. Unironically.
No prizes for guessing why the poor sap who had to lie and say he did it for his daughter got the bullet and she survived to make 2042.
Looking back at the BFV debacle, we got played. We thought we won by getting a cuck fired, but in reality, it cemented the creative control of the woman responsible for that travesty.
Mastercard is a big company. That's all I'll say.
What does this even mean? What is "being men"? Is it "manning up" where you bail women out of a situation they put themselves in? Is it being a tradcuck? (same thing?) Is it advocating for a revolution? What do you mean?
Perpetuating a lie hurts a lot of people. Especially yourself.
Especially if you're being gaslit into it. The only proper response to it is "go fuck yourself".
This is some faux philosophical quote, right here.
People perpetuate lies all the time. When they get married, they say til death do us part, which is less likely than winning the lottery without buying a ticket.
Lies are perpetuated by society constantly to protect certain groups from reality or to protect them from what people would do if they knew the truth.
Do you think if you help feminist women win the trans war that they'd suddenly care about you/be grateful/treat you like a human being?
Accelerate. Make them as miserable as they made us.
Demoralization is a well known psychological phenomenon. The USSR did it all the time, force the populace to proclaim blatant lies in order to break their spirits.
This is the same, being done by pretty much the same people no less.
I'm pretty sure feminists didn't run the USSR, even if it was pretty sadistic.
I think you forget the origin of transgenderism is literally a feminist attempt to brand men defective. They deserve everything that comes from it.
Saving them from this is like the Jews saving a Nazi who locked himself/herself in the gas chamber by accident.
This isn't about helping feminist women. This is about persecuting pedophiles, who should be persecuted.
The origin of transgenderism is Jon Money, a pedophile faux doctor who experimented upon children, and whose victims killed themselves. He is the origin of the idea that sex and gender are not exactly the same thing, an idea he invented as cover for other pedophiles.
No one is saving them from a damn thing. They can both burn in the same fire, because they're both evil.
It's absolutely possible, and in fact it's morally laudable, to hate every kind of evil instead of just one.
You sound like that feminist grifter GOP member I posted. Really, they're all pedophiles? Even the poor kids forced into it by their mothers?
And who covered up his pedophile allegations? He's on video saying that feminists are his allies FFS. Stop trying to weasel out of blaming them.
Fully half or more, yes. That particular deviancy was, very literally, invented to cover for pedophilia.
Quite a lot of them are pedo cultists too. The origin of their wickedness is the same as the Bolsheviks. It's all the same evil, all the way down, once you scratch the surface.
Those women should be executed and their children deprogrammed. However, at some point adults are responsible for their own decisions, regardless of what their childhood was like.
Millennials might be mental children, but they certainly aren't legal or moral children.