She screeches like a pig so trannies everywhere can feel relevant and not a waste of flesh. So powerful, so moving, it brings a tear to my think this fucking drug addicted cunt is rich and has followers.
Remember, folks, in stone age cultures, the shaman/medicine man or woman was pretty much always one of these nutbars. And what is a holy person but an "influencer" of their own tribe/culture ....
Guys, she found the ghost of Andrea Dworkin.
Looks up Andrea Dworkin
Holy slop troughs, Batman! It's the queen of the hambeasts!
She screeches like a pig so trannies everywhere can feel relevant and not a waste of flesh. So powerful, so moving, it brings a tear to my think this fucking drug addicted cunt is rich and has followers.
ItsAGundam did a video, and yes, it's just as bizarre as it sounds.
Remember, folks, in stone age cultures, the shaman/medicine man or woman was pretty much always one of these nutbars. And what is a holy person but an "influencer" of their own tribe/culture ....
What a fucking loon.
DON'T do drugs or you'll end up like this retard