In their world view, everyone who doesn't support Biden wants to put every non-white person in death camps. Even though the amount of people who actually hold that view is really small - probably even smaller than the people who advocate genocide of whites
That's not their view at all. That's their stated view, but it's not what they actually believe.
It's simply that they will say ANYTHING to attack you.
They have NO principles. Power is the goal and there is nothing else to them. It sounds reductionist as hell, but the more I observe them, the more undeniable it becomes that they really do not believe anything at all other than that they want to be on top of you.
This has been my exact conclusion as well. And it hasn't been an easy one to reach. These people are bad actors. They're not arguing in good faith. It's like you said, this is all a power game for them. Truth, justice, honesty, they do not believe in these ideas. They only use them in so far as it will deliver them power. When you have an argument with one of these people they have no interest in coming to an objective truth. They only care about winning. Even if the ideology that they are winning for is bringing hell on Earth.
It IS what they actually believe, but the way "belief" works for them is different than for all of us. When we say we believe something it means we have been convinced of a given idea and now have a commitment to it, so it's going to take serious evidence and argument to change our minds. There's an inertia to accepting and changing a belief, and we maintain a historical record of our beliefs as well as a certain degree of honesty about our level of confidence in them.
One of us can say "I'm pretty certain of XYZ, I used to believe ABC but I was on the fence and I saw evidence that changed my mind".
They can't do that. Everything they say they genuinely 100% belief as if it were the word of god... at that moment. And in the next moment they will genuinely 100% believe the next thing as if it were the word of god, even if it's completely contradictory with what they just said.
If that sounds like 1984 it's because that's exactly what this is. They "believe" whatever they're required to believe at any given moment, will insist they have never said or believed otherwise, and will change that belief at the drop of a hat. They're completely capable of believing two totally contradictory things at the same time, and demonstrating that publicly isn't a display of hypocrisy in their world but a display of loyalty and power.
That's just redefining the meaning of the word 'belief'.
Ultimately, I know they don't believe anything they say, because they had to invent a word to describe the concept of 'doing things that align with that you believe in' - "praxis".
Nobody else on the face of the earth needs a word to describe this action, because it's just fucking implicit with the very concept of belief. People have words to describe the opposite - 'hypocrisy', a westerner would say. 'Shirk' a muslim would say.
But only the marxist has a word for living by beliefs he claims to hold. Only the marxist has need for such a word.
Its sociopolitical power, and its whats ruining our politics and news, all at once. Until we can get rid of the biased newsmedia, and radicalizing social media/search engines, and teach people how to think freely, it will never get better. And take on the tech oligarchs who think they know what's best for the whole country, too.
This clearly describes what is happening, but it's purely suicidal. Beyond just destroying the tax pigs that fund everything they hold dear. Because they have no principles there is no guarantee that any of them won't be thrown under the bus tomorrow for being in the way. It's a wonder they have any supporters when they're so transparent about how expendable anyone is.
It's a wonder they have any supporters when they're so transparent about how expendable anyone is.
They all think it will never be them. They all think their views will always be in alignment with the party. That the party will never say anything that makes the very core of their being recoil and be unable to indulge. They can't imagine themselves sitting there, reading the latest party manifesto, their soul screaming 'No, this is wrong'.
They all think they're going to be imposing their will on others. They all think they'll have power. It's their wildest fantasy, so much so that when one of them dies, they say "Rest in Power" instead of rest in peace.
You just want to be left the hell alone. They want the power to violate you. That's their heaven.
'Rick and Morty' creator slays trolls harassing its female writers
"It’s offensive to me as someone ... born male and white."
As the co-writer behind many of Rick Sanchez's most cutting burns, he's not the type to hold back while wiping the floor with dumbasses. But as it turns out, internet trolls continue to prove themselves a special breed of imbecile.
And Harmon's not having any of it.
he was also a massive faggot back in the gg days.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Harmon addressed the ongoing harassment campaign. And, boy, can you imagine if the co-creator of your favorite show called you "disgusting," and "knobs," and "idiots."
Back in August, after the release of the show's "Pickle Rick" episode, certain types of fans (read: bridge trolls) decided to blame their dissatisfaction on the new women credited with its writing.
Deserved trolling. I didnt know that was the first wamen writers episode.
Harmon is a cuck for sure, it's Halloween so I don't have time to dig up every instance of Rick being sexist xenophobe that is regularly against leftist philosophy.
I'll see about having my son put together a list though, it would be a good opportunity to watch this series over again and dissect the messages for his critical thinking homeschool class
The show is a self write in where harmon is the smartest person in the world. It's not as funny once you realize that's how its written.
s3 is when they made articles about how their all female team was going to improve the show, and thats where pickle rick and the strong wamyns episode were written into. Forcing your son to watch it is child abuse. Make him do something 'fun' like marvel avengers or some shit that can be entertaining even with its subversional ideology.
Sadly its near impossible to find those twitterati retards irl, obvious bias and insanity aside (remember that hypocrisy doesn't affect the hypocrite) i really hope that the acceleration keeps on going till it explodes.
It's a soyboy for lack of better term. Women would never want to identify as men in modern society, because that loses them attention/validation points. If she wants to get some point across, she will be 1000 more successful presenting as female.
The people will say literally anything to prop up leftist power, no matter how ridiculous.
In their world view, everyone who doesn't support Biden wants to put every non-white person in death camps. Even though the amount of people who actually hold that view is really small - probably even smaller than the people who advocate genocide of whites
That's not their view at all. That's their stated view, but it's not what they actually believe.
It's simply that they will say ANYTHING to attack you.
They have NO principles. Power is the goal and there is nothing else to them. It sounds reductionist as hell, but the more I observe them, the more undeniable it becomes that they really do not believe anything at all other than that they want to be on top of you.
This has been my exact conclusion as well. And it hasn't been an easy one to reach. These people are bad actors. They're not arguing in good faith. It's like you said, this is all a power game for them. Truth, justice, honesty, they do not believe in these ideas. They only use them in so far as it will deliver them power. When you have an argument with one of these people they have no interest in coming to an objective truth. They only care about winning. Even if the ideology that they are winning for is bringing hell on Earth.
It IS what they actually believe, but the way "belief" works for them is different than for all of us. When we say we believe something it means we have been convinced of a given idea and now have a commitment to it, so it's going to take serious evidence and argument to change our minds. There's an inertia to accepting and changing a belief, and we maintain a historical record of our beliefs as well as a certain degree of honesty about our level of confidence in them.
One of us can say "I'm pretty certain of XYZ, I used to believe ABC but I was on the fence and I saw evidence that changed my mind".
They can't do that. Everything they say they genuinely 100% belief as if it were the word of god... at that moment. And in the next moment they will genuinely 100% believe the next thing as if it were the word of god, even if it's completely contradictory with what they just said.
If that sounds like 1984 it's because that's exactly what this is. They "believe" whatever they're required to believe at any given moment, will insist they have never said or believed otherwise, and will change that belief at the drop of a hat. They're completely capable of believing two totally contradictory things at the same time, and demonstrating that publicly isn't a display of hypocrisy in their world but a display of loyalty and power.
That's just redefining the meaning of the word 'belief'.
Ultimately, I know they don't believe anything they say, because they had to invent a word to describe the concept of 'doing things that align with that you believe in' - "praxis".
Nobody else on the face of the earth needs a word to describe this action, because it's just fucking implicit with the very concept of belief. People have words to describe the opposite - 'hypocrisy', a westerner would say. 'Shirk' a muslim would say.
But only the marxist has a word for living by beliefs he claims to hold. Only the marxist has need for such a word.
Its sociopolitical power, and its whats ruining our politics and news, all at once. Until we can get rid of the biased newsmedia, and radicalizing social media/search engines, and teach people how to think freely, it will never get better. And take on the tech oligarchs who think they know what's best for the whole country, too.
This clearly describes what is happening, but it's purely suicidal. Beyond just destroying the tax pigs that fund everything they hold dear. Because they have no principles there is no guarantee that any of them won't be thrown under the bus tomorrow for being in the way. It's a wonder they have any supporters when they're so transparent about how expendable anyone is.
They all think it will never be them. They all think their views will always be in alignment with the party. That the party will never say anything that makes the very core of their being recoil and be unable to indulge. They can't imagine themselves sitting there, reading the latest party manifesto, their soul screaming 'No, this is wrong'.
They all think they're going to be imposing their will on others. They all think they'll have power. It's their wildest fantasy, so much so that when one of them dies, they say "Rest in Power" instead of rest in peace.
You just want to be left the hell alone. They want the power to violate you. That's their heaven.
To be honest, they are more likely to do that even if there is people on board.
p.s. he looks like every soy when theres a new limited edition rick sanchez funcopop just announced
which is bizarre because Rick is a sexist, racist, xenophobic Chad with zero fucks to give about any part of the leftist agenda
Rick is 100% woke and written by soy leftists. did you forget the episode where strong wamyn beats everybody?
also here
he was also a massive faggot back in the gg days.
Deserved trolling. I didnt know that was the first wamen writers episode.
Harmon is a cuck for sure, it's Halloween so I don't have time to dig up every instance of Rick being sexist xenophobe that is regularly against leftist philosophy.
I'll see about having my son put together a list though, it would be a good opportunity to watch this series over again and dissect the messages for his critical thinking homeschool class
The show is a self write in where harmon is the smartest person in the world. It's not as funny once you realize that's how its written.
s3 is when they made articles about how their all female team was going to improve the show, and thats where pickle rick and the strong wamyns episode were written into. Forcing your son to watch it is child abuse. Make him do something 'fun' like marvel avengers or some shit that can be entertaining even with its subversional ideology.
WHAT THE HECK is "borderline terrorism"
Is that when Crowder says something lol
If I had a nickel for every ounce of self awareness these people have, I'd be in debt for a whole lot of nickels.
I’m sure he called out Trump hatred as well
"Well that depends on what your defenition of is is is"
Could someone connect the dots for me on how stating fuck Joe Biden, fuck Donald Trump or fuck anyone is terrorism?
Trump is bad. Fuck Trumpf
Biden gud. Anyone who doesnt say 'praise bifens' is a terrrorist
part 3 is watch lots of cnn
Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal.
Sadly its near impossible to find those twitterati retards irl, obvious bias and insanity aside (remember that hypocrisy doesn't affect the hypocrite) i really hope that the acceleration keeps on going till it explodes.
$10 says it's actually a woman hiding behind that male profile picture.
I know you have a bone to pick with women but I think you're severely underestimating how many brainwashed males there are
If not literally then functionally a woman lol
It's a soyboy for lack of better term. Women would never want to identify as men in modern society, because that loses them attention/validation points. If she wants to get some point across, she will be 1000 more successful presenting as female.