You know it's just [Begin Flag]SS[End Flag]? Flag emojis don't exist in unicode for "political" reasons (meaning Communist Usurper China throws a bitch fit if someone acknowledges the flag of Real China).
e: I got the technical details wrong. It would actually be [regional indicator s][regional indicator s], but same general idea.
Diversity hire. I can name a lot of flags, give me a lucrative journalism job.
Hell, I'd pay you to be a journalist. I would love the "How the Flag of Burundi is Literally Killing Me" type of articles.
"Why all flags with pink in them are part of a feminist conspiracy."
I'm pretty sure there are almost no flags with pink in them.
Really? Without googling it, post the emoji for the flag of South Sudan.
You know it's just [Begin Flag]SS[End Flag]? Flag emojis don't exist in unicode for "political" reasons (meaning Communist Usurper China throws a bitch fit if someone acknowledges the flag of Real China).
e: I got the technical details wrong. It would actually be [regional indicator s][regional indicator s], but same general idea.
My phone isn't new enough to have that flag, apparently.