I was thinking about why some people hate the pickup artist community, and that the general consensus is that the regressive left and gender criticals hate them because they believe they incite sex harassment, while incel community and some sections of the manosphere hate them because their advice is considered garbage/not universal/fullproof enough.
Did I pretty much hit the nail on the head?
The PUAs aren't wrong about how to game women, but, instead of acknowledging that the female mind is depraved by the loss of chastity, they promote destroying women for the sake of their own hedonism. Feminists hate that their hypergamous nature is being exploited by PUAs, while the dick carousel consumes their souls. The incels' problem is that they have internalized media propaganda which promotes prolific cooming as the essence of manhood, and desire to sleep around as the PUAs do without putting in any work for self-improvement.
None of them desire spiritual fulfillment or the self-actualization that comes from assuming their gender roles based on forming the societal bonds necessary for an upward facing civilization. Everyone is ultimately left empty inside as they constantly chase their unquenchable material desires.
I want off this ride so bad.
You've nailed it. It's soulless husks all the way down.
No, they hate the pickup community because they said fuck it and abuse the system to their gain, women hate the fact they will always fall for it and incels are pissed because they got dealt a shit hand.
Oh, thank god you, the anonymous single woman, didn’t fall for one guy trying to bang you. There’s millions of single moms in America alone that prove otherwise.
It's real simple in politics - does this have any chance of bringing men and women together into getting married and having kids? If yes, then they attack it..
The "reasons" after that are just tools to attack with.
Regular people dislike PUA because they prefer the illusion that women's dating choices are moral and just and PUA interferes with that.
The press also tends to depict groups using their worst members, and the worst PUA's are definitely extremely annoying.
It's like Newgrounds. Still a thing.
Ebaum's World is still around. If you count gaming shitpost memes as "still being around", that is.
it is retarded
Paul Elam on PUA
I'd imagine PUA are hated because they cannot be shamed into control. If something can not be controlled then it must be destroyed.