He will do much better in upper management than as a senior engineer. Most of upper management where I worked for 20 years were people who led projects that failed abjectly. When I left, the head of the whole shooting match had not worked on a single successful project. It was awesome. Like getting every answer wrong on a multiple choice test.
Good point, but i still think his older comics have more of a punch to them, where the current ones are just thinly veiled criticisms of things we talk about on here/
He will do much better in upper management than as a senior engineer. Most of upper management where I worked for 20 years were people who led projects that failed abjectly. When I left, the head of the whole shooting match had not worked on a single successful project. It was awesome. Like getting every answer wrong on a multiple choice test.
His comics have been a lot less subtle the last few years, I think he tried at them more when he hadnt come out as a conservative.
I think its more that clown world has become so pervasive that it is no longer possible to exaggerate for comic effect
he even has a comic about it https://dilbert.com/strip/2019-10-02
It’s the same with satire. I used to enjoy Babylon Bee but reality has become so bizarre, the real news has become stranger than fiction.
idk. this is a bit funnier https://dilbert.com/strip/2015-10-02 and way before he became political.
I don’t think he’s changed as much as the world around him has changed. Society & politics isn’t even recognizable from 2011 (a mere decade ago.)
Good point, but i still think his older comics have more of a punch to them, where the current ones are just thinly veiled criticisms of things we talk about on here/
Today, young Asok learns how a lowly intern can suddenly reach the upper echelons.
I can't imagine his comic is in any newspaper these days.
Not that anyone reads the paper anyways.
That & Family Circus.