I'm posting my Reddit post here if people want to actually see what I actually did.
Dear fellow users:
We regret to inform you that u/AntonioOfVennice has been permanently suspended while engaged in moderating actions on the 5th of August 2021 due to what we believe may have been enemy action. Unfortunately, he was suspended for explaining the justification of a comment removal to a user.
To be clear: it was this explanation of Reddit rule enforcement which is a bannable offense. I can't tell you which rule he was explaining, because that would require me to do the same thing that got him banned: explain the rule.
[DoM's note: He told a user that Reddit removes comments that assert that transgenders have mental illness. Which they do. See the comments section for the actual image]
WHEREFORE: The rule I'm not allowed to explain to you has been made officially made into: THE SECRET RULE. You are not allowed to discuss this SECRET RULE, otherwise your comment will be removed. You are also not allowed to violate THE SECRET RULE, and I'm not allowed to tell you what it is. All references to THE SECRET RULE have been redacted as SECRET.
Now... I can't in good conscience punish you for violating THE SECRET RULE since I'm not allowed to tell you what THE SECRET RULE actually is. You have to... discover it by violating it, I guess?
In case you were wondering if Reddit is a fucking Kafkaesque nightmare site,
the answer is yes.
Will AoV appeal? Yes. Will that appeal be granted? Unknown.
Anyways, here is a listing of the latest proscriptions from Reddit if you weren't aware of what they already were:
Here are the current Proscriptions:
- Orange Man Punctuation Anti-Loss site is automatically removed from all links, posts, and comments.
- The Gateway Pundit is a Tier 5 (Black List) site on Reddit
- Zero Hedge is a Tier 5 (Black List) site on Reddit
- Project Veritas USPS Whistleblower video is banned off of Reddit
- The Conservative Treehouse are automatically removed as a Tier 3 (Grey List) site
- Do not post lists of allegedly deceased individuals who allegedly voted
- Do not assert that voter fraud or voter irregularities have occurred.
- The National Pulse is now a Tier 5 Blacklisted site
- Rumble is now a Tier 3 Grey List site
- Trending Politics is now a Tier 5 Blacklisted site
- Bitchute has been upgraded from a Tier 4 to a Tier 5 Blacklisted site
- Project Veritas is a Tier 3 Grey List site
- "De Donalt dut ween" is both a Tier 5 Blacklisted site, and you can't spell out it's name normally.
- "Pay tree ots dut ween" is also a Tier 5 Blacklisted site, and you can't spell out it's name normally.
- If an individual asserts that they are a gender, then you are not authorized to identify them as any other gender than what they asserted; nor that they have not attained that gender.
- You can't call transpeople ugly.
- [New] Stardia Post is a Tier 5 site
- [New] A Voice For Men is a Tier 3 site
- [New] 90min.com is a Tier 3 site
- [New] THE SECRET RULE is apparently secret
Please do not violate these rules by testing them, I have tested them myself to confirm them. If you want me to test others, let me know.
Thanks to u/BandageBandolier 's suggestion on our Win site, feel free to use BBC Pidgen version of the Orange Man site: "De Donalt dut ween". That means you can't use the English translation of DeDonalt.ween nor De Donalt dut ween.
Also, I am going to re-implement our old Border Security proceedure. New users and users who have little posting history on the sub will be permanently suspended if they violate a sitewide.
Yes. But also no.
What do we win by being isolated and starved of new people who might share our views?
Gatekeeping has its place, absolutely, but it should be our choice, and not the choice of the megacorps.
I'll never cheer on censorship, and that's exactly what this is.
If you think that people arrive at new disruptive communities by search you're even dumber than your previous post initially led me to believe.
Were you just not around for the digg war or the death of myspace?
Sites grow by word of mouth and network effect. Thinking of it in terms of how to improve your standings in search posits that people are looking for new and different in the first place. They're not.
Your bullshit is uncalled for, but hey, go for it. I respect it. But it's counterproductive.
I, in fact, was around for some of that, but it's irrelevant. I'm not going to go bragging about it for ePoints. Who the fuck cares?
Yes, but also no. Censorship is censorship, and should always be called out. Fuck Google, but we still have to call them out when they fuck us, because they control like 90%+ of web traffic. It's a big deal, no matter how you feel about it. Ninety plus percent of the internet has a huge impact. Sure, word of mouth is important but...ninety percent of the net. C'mon man!
BECAUSE 90% decides to go there.
Guess what, DIGG controlled like 80% of news aggregation because people chose to go there.
UNTIL ONE DAY THEY DIDN'T and started going to reddit instead.
The Bender answer is the only answer that ever actually works, and it only works when you actually do it like I do.
I have not gone back to reddit in two years. My accounts are blown away, I will never open another one. Do I miss some subs? Sure. I miss r/StarWarsArmada. But the PRINCIPLE. I can't build something better until I walk away from what WAS.
That's YOU not normies and ignorant people. You seem a bit autistic and completely missing Kienan's point, which is that people who AREN'T informed can sometimes stumble upon a place like this through Reddit, because all they know is Reddit. Just like some people stumbled upon Usenet threads through BBS boards, or some people stumbled upon tracker forums through IRC channels.
Most people are ingrained to follow the herd, sometimes not knowing there is better out there. Just like there are still some idiots here who think the vaccines are safe because they still consume mainstream media.
Not everyone has the same awakening you did. So they need leverage or some sort of anchor to get them to swallow the red pill, which might be through a post they see on Reddit while browsing, or a thread they come across while using Google, which may eventually lead them to KIA2.win. That's his point.