There you have it. The govt can get a secret order against you without informing your lawyer (that they know about), stick the order in your hands, or in the case of the Pawlowskis, drop it at your feet in a plastic bag, and if you don't immediately obey, you can go to jail.
Justice Adam Germain has been tasked with hearing a series of cases brought by Alberta Health Services against pastors and biz owners for defying the lockdown. What happens this morning will be an indication of what's going to happen with other cases.
And lemmings on Twitter are cheering their convictions. "I'm so glad the government can just send people to jail willy-nilly for the greater good! Our society simply cannot survive without a strong authoritarian leadership looking out for our best interests."
And lemmings on Twitter are cheering their convictions. "I'm so glad the government can just send people to jail willy-nilly for the greater good! Our society simply cannot survive without a strong authoritarian leadership looking out for our best interests."
Canada is an unironic police state now.
This only reinforces my desire for a northern border wall.
You will need further Civil Disobedience, and you will have to continue to take hits like this.
Well, hell, at least the nazis and commies at least tried to make it look fair before sentencing you to a camp.
This is such a Canadian thing.
Can someone tell Bush that Alberta has oil? They need some freedom up dere.
Canadians... doing anything! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder.