posted ago by Robotinic ago by Robotinic +33 / -0

So I only just found out about this, several months ago in Lancaster UK a group of students complained about the naming of the University nightclub. It was called "Sugar House", the history of the building does actually show it was indeed a house for sugar..

Their problem with this? It's links to slavery and colonialism. Their solution? Rename it! https://thetab.com/uk/lancaster/2021/03/03/a-sign-of-growth-and-a-show-of-respect-bame-students-on-renaming-the-sugarhouse-25315

Reading down that article you would probably notice a severe lack of people who are against renaming it, big controversy y'know? So, the Students union put it up to petition.

Can anyone guess the outcome? https://thetab.com/uk/lancaster/2021/06/18/students-union-nightclub-will-remain-named-the-sugarhouse-after-winning-preferenda-28696?itm_source=parsely-api

I love to think about all those upset students seething about this decision..